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Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct showcases our values, protects the business and guides the employees of the company’s expectations. We must remember that each of us is responsible for our own actions and that the ethical choice is always the best choice. Code of Conduct is defined the way business relationships, official dealings, social behavior and office decorum that needs to be maintained within and outside of office premises. By following the principles of the Code, we will succeed collectively, as a company and as individual employees


As an independent organization, free from ties to a particular product provider, we can meet those needs with carefully selected solutions from the world’s foremost Financial Services & Insurance Companies. OIB has qualified professional consultants and is supported by dedicated and qualified support staff in the State of Qatar offering a broad range of licensed products from regulated providers. We would be pleased to provide effective and specially crafted insurance programs that meet the insurance and risk management requirements of our clients.


Our Principles

  • Win the right way
  • Available for our customers
  • Lead by example


Respect in the workplace

All employees of OIB are expected to respect their co-worker. No verbal or physical mistreatment, discriminatory behavior, harassment or victimization or engaging in offensive behavior will be tolerated. No offensive or derogatory jokes or comments even by means of email or in person. We must ensure that the we have a healthy and safe work environment. We respect diversity in each other, our customers and partners and all others with whom we interact.


Business Ethics




We do not believe in winning by bribery. Our company must be known for quality of work, integrity & commitment. We should never offer, directly or indirectly, any form of gift, entertainment or anything of value to any of our customers to obtain or retain business to influence business decisions.

Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest is a situation in which a person is involved in multiple interests, financial or otherwise, and serving one interest could involve working against another. Employees are expected to avoid any personal, financial or other interests which may hinder their capability or willingness to fulfill their job duties.



We are expected to be to be ethical, sincere and open in all our transactions. The integrity of our financial transactions and records is critical to the operation of our business. The payments received, vouchers, bills, claims need to be submitted to the accounting department.



We respect the confidentiality of employee and our client’s information. We should protect our customers personal records and information and not use the information for our personal gain or share it with others
Comply to the law – We are expected to follow the law of the country and that business relationships will not be outside the stand.


Protect Our Assets


Protect, secure and use our assets appropriately for business purposes. This includes physical assets, electronic assets, information systems and intellectual property and confidential business information. As employees, we have access to significant amounts of company information that may not be available to the public, and we should preserve the confidentiality of information obtained in the Company’s service

Disciplinary Actions


The Company will take appropriate disciplinary action which may even include termination of employment if you Violate the Code, Company policies and procedures, or applicable laws.